
Information on anti-work ideas

Hello all, please ignore my username lol. I am a recent immigrant from a third world country, and I struggle to understand anti-work ideas. I'm looking to learn and understand as this is a conversation that occurs a lot at my work place (McDonald's), and my coworker recommended checking out this sub. This may be a little long, and please excuse my english as it's not my first language. I'm 28, and my best friend is 30, let's call friend 'G'. G dropped out of essentially a free ride to college (G's stepmom paid for the few semesters G attended), because it was 'too hard'. That kind of opportunity to better oneself and get out of having to work menial jobs that pay peanuts people would kill for. However that was years ago and im sure if such opportunity was presented now, G would take it. If G was to…

Hello all, please ignore my username lol. I am a recent immigrant from a third world country, and I struggle to understand anti-work ideas. I'm looking to learn and understand as this is a conversation that occurs a lot at my work place (McDonald's), and my coworker recommended checking out this sub. This may be a little long, and please excuse my english as it's not my first language.

I'm 28, and my best friend is 30, let's call friend 'G'. G dropped out of essentially a free ride to college (G's stepmom paid for the few semesters G attended), because it was 'too hard'. That kind of opportunity to better oneself and get out of having to work menial jobs that pay peanuts people would kill for. However that was years ago and im sure if such opportunity was presented now, G would take it. If G was to go back to school and complete studies, it would cost a max of $4,000. You can put that on a credit card. In order to maintain my status as an immigrant, I have to be in school full time, but also work full time to pay my tuition as international students are charged double the tuition fee. Is this fair? no. is it right? no. Is it fair that we have to work menial jobs on an unlivable wage? no.

However, i believe (and I may be an ah for this), that G is in this position due to consequences of G's actions. G does nothing but complain about how broke G is, and that working low paying menial jobs is all they've been doing. G hates rich people and is bitter towards anyone doing better than G is. Every single conversation we have leads to that; when we see nice cars in the drive through, G has something negative to say and tie it into how unfair and miserable life is. I think it may be a cultural thing, as Americans have so much opportunity people from my country wish they had. there are food stamps, social services that I have no access to as an immigrant, but I pay taxes.

Don't get me wrong, this person has had a hard set of life cards dealt to them, but I can only think of one thing they've actually done to try to get themselves out of poverty. To me, it feels like it would be the same complaining about my situation but doing nothing about it. Yes, it sucks that I have to be here and then i have to try to crawl my way out in the first place, but by god i'm going to do it.

Is an anti work idea wanting to get paid for doing the least amount of work possible? i.e not having to go to college to be rich, not having to get any sort of certification for higher pay etc. Please I'm not being disrespectful, I'm just trying to understand due to cultural difference. I'm very left leaning and wish I didnt have to work 2 jobs to survive and pay my way through school, but where is the place for people who are just dealing with the consequences of their poor decisions?

I really hope this doesn't come of as disrespectful as its not my intention. I've just been thinking about this and can't really share with G as we talk about is how upsetting G's life is and I have to be supportive.

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