
Information request from a new boss…thoughts???

I’m posting on an older account just to make sure I don’t put any identifying information out there, I hope that’s alright!! I hope I’m just overthinking this but i’m hoping for some feedback regardless. So. I’m starting a new job in a few weeks. I received an email from my new future boss asking I fill out a personality test (Meyers Briggs), the 5 love languages test, and also a questionnaire about my likes (favorite candy, color, dessert, and the best way to show appreciation for good work). I’ve literally never had a boss request I fill out a fucking personality test for a job. I kind of am hoping this is just a really tuned in boss who likes to make sure they are lavish in praise and gifts to keep their employees as happy as possible, but it’s also kind of weirded me out to be honest.…

I’m posting on an older account just to make sure I don’t put any identifying information out there, I hope that’s alright!! I hope I’m just overthinking this but i’m hoping for some feedback regardless.

So. I’m starting a new job in a few weeks. I received an email from my new future boss asking I fill out a personality test (Meyers Briggs), the 5 love languages test, and also a questionnaire about my likes (favorite candy, color, dessert, and the best way to show appreciation for good work). I’ve literally never had a boss request I fill out a fucking personality test for a job. I kind of am hoping this is just a really tuned in boss who likes to make sure they are lavish in praise and gifts to keep their employees as happy as possible, but it’s also kind of weirded me out to be honest.

It’s 30k more a year than my current position, 4 weeks of PTO instead of 2, and way better schedule for me, so I’m not walking away from this for something so small. Just wondering if y’all are seeing red or green flags lol

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