
Injured outside of work. Now supervisor wants to fire her.

So my coworker let’s call her AD, fell outside of work and broke her arm. This is an at-will employment state so technically (maybe) they could fire her because of it, which is what they originally wanted to do, but AD convinced the supervisor to let her use her 2 weeks of vacation (for next year) to heal a bit before coming back but her manager is now saying (not in writing) that she will lose her position as a team lead and just come back as a regular team-member. This is a small company that has less than 50 employees within 75 miles so AD isn’t eligible for FMLA. I told her to stop communicating with her manager via calls and only use text or email. Is there anything we can do to keep her status as team lead? Does her broken arm count as a disability so she…

So my coworker let’s call her AD, fell outside of work and broke her arm. This is an at-will employment state so technically (maybe) they could fire her because of it, which is what they originally wanted to do, but AD convinced the supervisor to let her use her 2 weeks of vacation (for next year) to heal a bit before coming back but her manager is now saying (not in writing) that she will lose her position as a team lead and just come back as a regular team-member. This is a small company that has less than 50 employees within 75 miles so AD isn’t eligible for FMLA. I told her to stop communicating with her manager via calls and only use text or email. Is there anything we can do to keep her status as team lead? Does her broken arm count as a disability so she can claim discrimination? What can we do?

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