
Injury advice

I NEED HELP. I got injured at work a few weeks ago and got a work clearance certificate that lasts me until the 3rd of Feb from my doctor. It said that I was cleared for light duties only and as the roster had already been made up for the week following, I was able to work my normal shifts but shorter hours. This week, I don't get rostered on so I ask my manager why that is. He tells me that he's not going to roster me on for a few weeks until I've completely healed because he needs someone at 100%. Fair enough. I let WorkCover know that I've been removed from the roster for a few weeks and confirmed that my manager said I needed to be 100% and there are no duties that I can attend to until I'm at that capacity. WorkCover says that they…


I got injured at work a few weeks ago and got a work clearance certificate that lasts me until the 3rd of Feb from my doctor. It said that I was cleared for light duties only and as the roster had already been made up for the week following, I was able to work my normal shifts but shorter hours.

This week, I don't get rostered on so I ask my manager why that is. He tells me that he's not going to roster me on for a few weeks until I've completely healed because he needs someone at 100%. Fair enough.

I let WorkCover know that I've been removed from the roster for a few weeks and confirmed that my manager said I needed to be 100% and there are no duties that I can attend to until I'm at that capacity. WorkCover says that they can cover it and requests 12 months of my payslip from my employer to average out my pay while I'm out of work.

Cut to this morning, my claims rep emails me saying that she's spoken to my employer and they've confirmed that there are duties available to me and that I've been placed on my normal shifts from the 18/01. But this is a lie because I have no shifts upcoming for the next 2 weeks.

I'm not really sure what to do now because WorkCover can't cover me and my employer won't roster me on. I'm stressed out.

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