
Instead of raising our pay, management is spending over $10k this year on “Attendance Lotteries”

This year's new handbook was just sent out, and among other ridiculous addendums, management has introduced an incentive program on which, each month, three people who have not been late or absent from any scheduled activities will be chosen at random, the first receiving $500, the second receiving $250, and the third, $100. That's $850/month, 12 times a year, for a total of $10,200 that could be going towards wages, as we are paid next to nothing compared to other companies in our field, maintenance, such as fixing the warm water in the bathroom where children wash their hands, or hiring another BCBA so we have more than two at a company with over forty clients. But no, instead the owner would rather buy property to open a new location or spend hundreds on equipment that no one uses. Gotta love it. Edit: What would you do if you had…

This year's new handbook was just sent out, and among other ridiculous addendums, management has introduced an incentive program on which, each month, three people who have not been late or absent from any scheduled activities will be chosen at random, the first receiving $500, the second receiving $250, and the third, $100.

That's $850/month, 12 times a year, for a total of $10,200 that could be going towards wages, as we are paid next to nothing compared to other companies in our field, maintenance, such as fixing the warm water in the bathroom where children wash their hands, or hiring another BCBA so we have more than two at a company with over forty clients. But no, instead the owner would rather buy property to open a new location or spend hundreds on equipment that no one uses. Gotta love it.

Edit: What would you do if you had to sign this shitshow of a handbook in the next two days?

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