

Was let go for “insubordination” for questioning manager. To start off I was assistant manager at the job and worked my butt off to get there. I live right behind where I worked so if someone couldn't make it or if issues happened I was right there. Someone that has been there a few months longer and best friends with the manager got upset at my promotion and started acting different towards me ( they were always friendly before). I ended up being demoted because of a management group they brought in and they said no assistants were needed. ( That was very questionable since the manager was never reachable after she left work and in our field someone needs to be available at all times so an assistant would make sense). Fast forward a few months and they fire the management group and a new assistant was named, low…

Was let go for “insubordination” for questioning manager. To start off I was assistant manager at the job and worked my butt off to get there. I live right behind where I worked so if someone couldn't make it or if issues happened I was right there. Someone that has been there a few months longer and best friends with the manager got upset at my promotion and started acting different towards me ( they were always friendly before). I ended up being demoted because of a management group they brought in and they said no assistants were needed. ( That was very questionable since the manager was never reachable after she left work and in our field someone needs to be available at all times so an assistant would make sense). Fast forward a few months and they fire the management group and a new assistant was named, low and behold the manager's best friend whom only works 3 to 4 days a week in first place. ( I question the practice because our director of sales only works 1 day a week also). This person only works 1st shift and is not computer literate which is required in our position ( he was also there longer than me as stated but still for some reason did not know how our system worked). He was pretty much more of a relic at the hotel that helped keep the manager calm because he was a former pastor and smooth talker. I let it go and just did my job.

I moved to the dead shift and took care of accounting and set up 1st shift for our new arrivals. The great thing about being on the dead shift is you get to catch all the mistakes that happen on previous shifts. 3/4 the issues I caught ( and there was at least 1 a day, one was a real big mistake that cost us a customer and had to issue refunds losing our company money) was on the new assistant manager. I took it upon myself to show him how to correctly do things to correct his errors and he acted annoyed about it. I brought this to the manager and she said she would handle it. Months go by with no change. Another thing that annoyed me was that manager would send out mass texts saying if anyone needed help with this or that to get a hold of the assistant manager. Well the assistant manager would always tell other employees to either call me or he would reach out to manager to get help ( again she was almost never available after she left work so I pretty much was always on call).

Last week I had had enough of it. I was already seriously annoyed with the assistant manager because he was judging 2 of my children's lifestyle because they are gay. Despite many times telling him not to talk religion to me or say anything about my children he did. A mass text gets sent out from manager about a new system we just started using (I was already familiar with as I've used it previously) and said all questions needed to go to the assistant manager. I asked her in a private message if that was the best idea as I had just left work and had to help the assistant manager on the simplest task we are all trained to do and should know how to do even with the new system. Apparently she mentioned it to him and I get a private text from him cursing me up and down and telling me I shouldn't of even been there to help him in first place. ( I seriously took extra time off the clock to help him when he couldn't figure out why system was not allowing him to do simple task). I snapped back with the fact I see 3/4 our issues is due to his mistakes and gave examples. The next thing I know I get a private message from the manager saying they are going to go a different direction due to my insubordination.

What are your all's thoughts on this?

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