
Interesting exerpt

From William MacAskill's book What We Owe The Future: “Following the Black Death in the fourteenth century, serfdom was soon replaced by free labour throughout Western Europe.” This line is footnoted with reference as follows from Encyclopedia Britannica 2019b: “The Black Death caused labour shortages that, in conjunction with growing central government power and peasant uprisings, contributed to the replacement of serfdom with a system of free peasantry by the end of the fifteenth century.” Just thought it was interesting.

From William MacAskill's book What We Owe The Future:

“Following the Black Death in the fourteenth century, serfdom was soon replaced by free labour throughout Western Europe.”

This line is footnoted with reference as follows from Encyclopedia Britannica 2019b:

“The Black Death caused labour shortages that, in conjunction with growing central government power and peasant uprisings, contributed to the replacement of serfdom with a system of free peasantry by the end of the fifteenth century.”

Just thought it was interesting.

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