
Interesting graphs regarding Wages and Cost of Living

Data source: Living and minimum wage: Median household wage( salary divided by 2080) : Tools used: MS Excel I was inspired by MIT Living Wage calculator and decided to plot the data for 30 cities. Cost of Living score is calculated in following way: Firstly each city's median and minimum wage was compared to living wage for a single adult with no children and living wage for two adults with two children . Next, z scores were taking of these ratios and averaged out. Finally, Z score was adjusted to a 1-100 scale so it's easier to understand.

Data source:
Living and minimum wage:
Median household wage( salary divided by 2080) :

Tools used: MS Excel

I was inspired by MIT Living Wage calculator and decided to plot the data for 30 cities.

Cost of Living score is calculated in following way:
Firstly each city's median and minimum wage was compared to living wage for a single adult with no children and living wage for two adults with two children . Next, z scores were taking of these ratios and averaged out.
Finally, Z score was adjusted to a 1-100 scale so it's easier to understand.

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