
Internal Company Reviews

Got an issue with my work and looking for advice. We just had company reviews and in the review there is a section to place information that you want to tell the manager of the individual you are reviewing. In the document it says this information won't be shared with the individual and also they won't say the name of the person leaving the review. I left information in this section about my manager that I was not comfortable giving to him personally because I've done it before and he has retaliated against me for it (it was nothing big, just mildly infuriating and caused my work to be more difficult). This information was given to my manager and he confronted me about when I got to work today. Is there anything that I can do about this? On top of this I have my performance review with him tomorrow…

Got an issue with my work and looking for advice.

We just had company reviews and in the review there is a section to place information that you want to tell the manager of the individual you are reviewing. In the document it says this information won't be shared with the individual and also they won't say the name of the person leaving the review. I left information in this section about my manager that I was not comfortable giving to him personally because I've done it before and he has retaliated against me for it (it was nothing big, just mildly infuriating and caused my work to be more difficult). This information was given to my manager and he confronted me about when I got to work today. Is there anything that I can do about this? On top of this I have my performance review with him tomorrow and, knowing how he retaliated against me last time, he will retaliate towards me in some shape or form. He will probably tell me that the raise I was supposed to receive is no longer within the company budget is what I'd say if I was a betting man. I've already asked to have a meeting with my manager's manager on why he gave him this information as well as requesting a meeting with our head of HR. Are there any other suggestions?

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