
Internship blues

I’m so frustrated, I’m a student in university and I got an on-campus internship this semester. About halfway through the semester, my supervisor asked if I wanted to continue in the spring, and I said yes. Two weeks ago, now nearing the end of the term, supervisor emails me saying unfortunately my position wasn’t renewed. But, I can still work my other student worker job here and do some internship tasks. The problem is that interns make more than regular student workers, so I’d be making less to do the internship tasks. I still haven’t answered her and don’t intend to, I don’t think it’s her fault my position got the axe. But I was only told all this AFTER the deadline to apply to a different campus internship. Our career center that runs all these internships absolutely doesn’t have students’ interests in mind is all I can think, and…

I’m so frustrated, I’m a student in university and I got an on-campus internship this semester. About halfway through the semester, my supervisor asked if I wanted to continue in the spring, and I said yes. Two weeks ago, now nearing the end of the term, supervisor emails me saying unfortunately my position wasn’t renewed. But, I can still work my other student worker job here and do some internship tasks. The problem is that interns make more than regular student workers, so I’d be making less to do the internship tasks. I still haven’t answered her and don’t intend to, I don’t think it’s her fault my position got the axe. But I was only told all this AFTER the deadline to apply to a different campus internship. Our career center that runs all these internships absolutely doesn’t have students’ interests in mind is all I can think, and would rather offer new positions than keep people who are doing a good job. I guess I just wanted to vent, I still have a job next semester but I’m taking a pay cut for reasons that aren’t my fault and I’m mad about it lol

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