
Interview Frustrations[RANT]

I'm so frustrated interviewing with companies or individuals that put zero thought into candidates. I'm referring to the “do you have any questions for us?” Why yes I do, How does the fiscal compensation for this role die into company success and proffitability? — silence, or alternately I get “it doesn't” ** This is so frustrating, this should be a standard question before a position is even posted, not having this answered means likely it's not, the company quite likely is just looking to exploit workers and lowballing individuals value.** What metric or measurement can be obtained in a 6 month or 1 year valuation that would lead to success in role, and likewise how is this metric tied to this positions compensation? — more silence ** If you don't know what success in role looks like how are you interviewing for the role? ** When is the last time…

I'm so frustrated interviewing with companies or individuals that put zero thought into candidates.

I'm referring to the “do you have any questions for us?”

Why yes I do, How does the fiscal compensation for this role die into company success and proffitability?
— silence, or alternately I get “it doesn't”
** This is so frustrating, this should be a standard question before a position is even posted, not having this answered means likely it's not, the company quite likely is just looking to exploit workers and lowballing individuals value.**

What metric or measurement can be obtained in a 6 month or 1 year valuation that would lead to success in role, and likewise how is this metric tied to this positions compensation?
— more silence
** If you don't know what success in role looks like how are you interviewing for the role? **

When is the last time you received a raise? how was this tied to performance in role, and was cost of living or inflation considered in the conversation?
— oh I can't remember, or silence
** If you're not interested in seeing people be successful first(yes above the company) then wtf are you doing there?

Individuals that are interviewing really need to put more thought into the role, these conversations should be normalized, these questions likewise should be noramlized and the reactions expected. I don't care that your company made 100 quintillion dollars last quarter if everyone there is starving and can't afford to poop. Interviewers and senior management/leadership seem to think workers give a piss whether the company made 10.00 or not, so long as the business model is sound and I know my part to play to help the company not close it's doors just move on. Likewise if your company's CEO is making millions I don't want to find out you've undercut everyone elses valuation and likewise boast about the “success” of the company. Even if a single individual is not able to afford to live then your company isn't successful, it's a failure and they should be ashamed for saying otherwise.

TL;DR — I want to find a role and position where I'm valued and do things meaningful.

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