
Interviewing Candidates with my New Boss

So this happened early in the takeover when the last firm I worked at was sold. I should've walked out right then, but I stayed another 6mos or so. I was a manager, and under the new firm's policy it was our responsibility to put job listings out for new personnel, with a Senior Partner's approval, and then take promising candidates through the interview process (because their HR department was useless as tits on a board). However, as we had just been brought on with this firm, and this was our first time going through the hiring process with them, said Senior Partner wanted to be involved throughout (so he could micromanage the process, I guess), including during first round interviews. Every time we would select a promising candidate and invite this Senior Partner to a meeting (carefully scheduled when he had an opening) he would either cancel last minute…

So this happened early in the takeover when the last firm I worked at was sold. I should've walked out right then, but I stayed another 6mos or so.

I was a manager, and under the new firm's policy it was our responsibility to put job listings out for new personnel, with a Senior Partner's approval, and then take promising candidates through the interview process (because their HR department was useless as tits on a board). However, as we had just been brought on with this firm, and this was our first time going through the hiring process with them, said Senior Partner wanted to be involved throughout (so he could micromanage the process, I guess), including during first round interviews.

Every time we would select a promising candidate and invite this Senior Partner to a meeting (carefully scheduled when he had an opening) he would either cancel last minute and we'd have to rebook, or he would turn up late, and would pop in after we'd left the candidates waiting for a few minutes in hopes he'd turn up, given up on him, then started anyway. When he did show up, he'd say something like, “why don't you lead the interview?” (which I was already in the process of leading, since, you know, he was so late) and then proceed to interrupt and talk over me whenever I had a followup question.

Props to the candidates, several ghosted us after that, particularly ones I really liked (which only made me like them more.) Finally we get one to stick with us through to the second interview, after a couple months of looking and many false starts, and he asks this candidate “tell me what got you interested in the legal field.”

She tells a story of how she took it upon herself to download some things from the Queen's Printer (now called the King's Printer, it's the publicly accessible database for government documents as well as legislation and regulatory documents for my Canadian Province) so that she could learn her legal employment rights.

Dude gets visibly more cold and asks what the outcome of that was, and it turns out she was able to get better treatment and some owed wages from this employer. He pretends to listen politely for a couple more minutes, then abruptly ends the meeting with the candidate and says (dead serious), “that's a no from me. Sounds like she sued a past employer and won, and that's not something I have the time of day for.”

To no one's surprise, he continued to be a fantastically shitty employer.

To that candidate, if you're out there and you're reading this, know that I wanted to hire you and think you fucking rock. Sorry that guy was such a wanker. You dodged a bullet, though, and I hope you found a great place to work after that.

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