
Interviewing Vent (sorta a follow up to my last post)

My last post I was very frustrated at how my employer gaslight me about a promotion when I started, and how insanely rude my boss was too me about asking for said promotion. As a lot of you recommended leave, look for a new job. Totally agree. The interview process has been an absolute nightmare. I have had place squeeze 3 interviews into 3 days and then not let me know if I got the job or not till a month later. I have place saying they need someone to start right away and apparently are still interviewing people a month later. I have had to do hours or writing assignments, sneak interviews while at work, and basically sacrifice my sanity for this interview process. I am truly working 2 jobs. The worst part is I have probably done 65 interviews so far and only heard from like 3 jobs.…

My last post I was very frustrated at how my employer gaslight me about a promotion when I started, and how insanely rude my boss was too me about asking for said promotion. As a lot of you recommended leave, look for a new job. Totally agree.

The interview process has been an absolute nightmare. I have had place squeeze 3 interviews into 3 days and then not let me know if I got the job or not till a month later. I have place saying they need someone to start right away and apparently are still interviewing people a month later. I have had to do hours or writing assignments, sneak interviews while at work, and basically sacrifice my sanity for this interview process. I am truly working 2 jobs. The worst part is I have probably done 65 interviews so far and only heard from like 3 jobs. My sister in law had 13 interviews at a place before they rejected her. How is this fair? Why are companies allowed to take this freaking long and essentially torture prospective hires?

One last note I was add that's so unbelievably frustrating to me is the barrier I am finding is I switch jobs every year or two. In my industry that does not pay well, it does not offer raises or bonuses and I have rarely had upward mobility. I switch jobs every couple of years because despite being college educated and having 5 years of experience I am barely being paid enough to live in the city I am in and they know this. I am finally applying for jobs that make wages my friends have been making for 2-3 years now, but apparently I am flight risk cause 2 years I was getting paid half of what these jobs are offering and I left that job.

I know this is long, but I am genuinely getting so beat down and upset. I am a very upbeat guy and I don't hold onto things and I am very upset all the time and having more fights with my partner. I am currently in therapy trying to work through things, I just hate this is where we are as a society.

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