
Iphone factory forces production despite covid-19 outbreak

Iphone factory Faxconn (a 300000 mega plant) forces production despite covid-19 outbreak. Rumours say that around 20000-30000 workers are quarantined, but others – with test result or not – are forced to continue an 18 hours-long shift including weekends. Workers are fighting for food and medicines. Some fought guards to escape. A few cases of suicide and rampage killing. Many walked days on the highway to get home. While China maintains a zero-covid policy, Foxconn was granted a twisted exception- called closed-loop management, to not hinder the iphone14 sales. Currently the factory is under military intervention, not sure yet if it delivers assistance or enforces production. Edit: Company affirms that the situation is under control, and the production is still stable.

Iphone factory Faxconn (a 300000 mega plant) forces production despite covid-19 outbreak. Rumours say that around 20000-30000 workers are quarantined, but others – with test result or not – are forced to continue an 18 hours-long shift including weekends.

Workers are fighting for food and medicines. Some fought guards to escape. A few cases of suicide and rampage killing. Many walked days on the highway to get home.

While China maintains a zero-covid policy, Foxconn was granted a twisted exception- called closed-loop management, to not hinder the iphone14 sales.

Currently the factory is under military intervention, not sure yet if it delivers assistance or enforces production.


Company affirms that the situation is under control, and the production is still stable.

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