
Irritated to learn I’m not eligible for 2% yearly merit increase

And the reason? Because I got a (sort of) cost of living adjustment last year. I just want to point out that since 2020, where I live has had an inflation increase of 18% between 2020 and now. In 2020, I was making $18/hr in the same position I am in now. An 18% increase, to keep up with inflation, would put me at $21.24. Last year I fought with management for 6 months to be increased to $20/hr. I finally got it, after 6 months of back and forth and supposed meetings I was never apart of. My productivity increased by minimum 35% due to a project I spent the entire year working countless hours of overtime. My employee review came back with a rank of 3.2/5 because I “preformed as expected”. And speaking of overtime, I have worked more days with OT than not within the last year.…

And the reason?

Because I got a (sort of) cost of living adjustment last year.

I just want to point out that since 2020, where I live has had an inflation increase of 18% between 2020 and now. In 2020, I was making $18/hr in the same position I am in now. An 18% increase, to keep up with inflation, would put me at $21.24.

Last year I fought with management for 6 months to be increased to $20/hr. I finally got it, after 6 months of back and forth and supposed meetings I was never apart of.

My productivity increased by minimum 35% due to a project I spent the entire year working countless hours of overtime. My employee review came back with a rank of 3.2/5 because I “preformed as expected”.

And speaking of overtime, I have worked more days with OT than not within the last year. That OT paid my bills. And I suddenly get a text from my manager end of last week saying I can no longer work OT. My first reaction was to laugh because that means my director got a talking to about how much OT my coworker and I have worked. My second reaction was pissed because I’m suddenly cutting down my available funds with no warning.

I spoke with my director about this and how it’s now a financial concern that this is being taken away suddenly. No response to that, but followed by a one sided discussion of “trying to promote work life balance”. As if she wasn’t the one making me work the OT for the last year.

So done with this bull. They make it so clear that employees aren’t valued

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