
is any of this illegal?

im not sure if this is the right sub but im really just at the end of my rope with my job after last night, its been a long time coming but im seriously going to resign this weekend. i work at a big fast food chain and my manager and a couple of my coworkers in general do some really weird stuff the more that i think about it. every month we split all of our cash tips among all the employees and we got them yesterday, my manager forgot to give me mine, which i think was an honest mistake, but shes refusing to do anything about it and told my coworker it was “suspicious” that i kept asking her about where my tips are. speaking of tips, a few months ago a girl gave 200$ from the register to a scam caller (stupid as hell but shes…

im not sure if this is the right sub but im really just at the end of my rope with my job after last night, its been a long time coming but im seriously going to resign this weekend. i work at a big fast food chain and my manager and a couple of my coworkers in general do some really weird stuff the more that i think about it. every month we split all of our cash tips among all the employees and we got them yesterday, my manager forgot to give me mine, which i think was an honest mistake, but shes refusing to do anything about it and told my coworker it was “suspicious” that i kept asking her about where my tips are. speaking of tips, a few months ago a girl gave 200$ from the register to a scam caller (stupid as hell but shes only 16 i feel bad) and we all had to give part of our tips to help her pay it back, and i think the taking away our tips is honestly probably going against some sort of labor laws. i know for a fact this is probably illegal, my manager took my friend outside to ask him if i was gay, which really rubbed me the wrong way. theres a coworker whos training to be a manager and the amount of times he's lied to get people in trouble and move up is insane, he told the manager that a girl left while on the clock to go to the smoke shop and she got fired, i was at the shift and she did not leave and when i told the boss that she didnt believe me, same coworker that did that one time asked me to come in early, i said that i wouldnt be able to, he told the boss that i said i could, and then when i got there the boss was super mad at me and said “you always do this” i absolutely never have , which leads me to believe she was lying, or the coworker who lied about it in the first place lied about this before, im not really sure where im going with this, just wondering if any of this is illegal/against some type of labor laws

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