
Is anyone else annoyed at the burnout “treatments” recommended online?

I’ve been drowning in work since Covid, the mass exodus to remote working / people quitting created an even bigger workload with more expectations to complete it. Unfortunately I’ve been a people pleaser all my life, so once I became severely burnt out and tried to find answers I just find myself getting bitter. All this talk of ‘managing your burnout while working’ or that quitting won’t help your burnout, kinda just seems like the reporters are writing in the interests of big business just to keep us peons going. Why don’t they ever address the root of the issue? That a small percentage of workers do majority of the work? And that businesses don’t hire enough staff to give appropriate R&R time to their long standing employees..

I’ve been drowning in work since Covid, the mass exodus to remote working / people quitting created an even bigger workload with more expectations to complete it.
Unfortunately I’ve been a people pleaser all my life, so once I became severely burnt out and tried to find answers I just find myself getting bitter.

All this talk of ‘managing your burnout while working’ or that quitting won’t help your burnout, kinda just seems like the reporters are writing in the interests of big business just to keep us peons going.

Why don’t they ever address the root of the issue? That a small percentage of workers do majority of the work? And that businesses don’t hire enough staff to give appropriate R&R time to their long standing employees..

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