
Is anyone else becoming a shell of a person from the daily work grind? Trying to figure out how to re-introduce happiness in life

I thought these feelings of being exhausted would be when I’m in my 50’s or so. I’m almost 27… I worked my ass off in university and then worked my ass off at work for the 5 years since completing university… I’m exhausted, I’m resentful of waking up early to work I don’t wanna do, 8 hour shifts feel so long, the anticipation of repeating this 5 days a week till I’m 60 or whatever Guys this is a lot. Even working at one place for a year is exhausting. How can I feel this way at 27. I used to feel good and happy earning, driven, maybe still some university mentality too. But whatever there was, it’s dying/dead, I’m becoming just a miserable shell of a person I know some people my age have kids… guys with this work grind I almost just don’t want a reason to be…

I thought these feelings of being exhausted would be when I’m in my 50’s or so. I’m almost 27… I worked my ass off in university and then worked my ass off at work for the 5 years since completing university… I’m exhausted, I’m resentful of waking up early to work I don’t wanna do, 8 hour shifts feel so long, the anticipation of repeating this 5 days a week till I’m 60 or whatever

Guys this is a lot. Even working at one place for a year is exhausting. How can I feel this way at 27. I used to feel good and happy earning, driven, maybe still some university mentality too. But whatever there was, it’s dying/dead, I’m becoming just a miserable shell of a person

I know some people my age have kids… guys with this work grind I almost just don’t want a reason to be forced to stay in work, I almost just don’t want to have a kid that will experience … what I feel, kind of like suffering just to live. Forcing yourself up every day for work till you die

I wanna be happy and driven again but HOW

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