
Is it a chill thing to do for a boss to charge you $35 to reissue a paycheck you never got?

So I quit my job last summer and forgot that I was supposed to get a paycheck because I've never seen it nor has anyone living at my house where it should have been mailed to. My old boss is telling me if I want to get my paycheck they'll take $35 out of it to cover the reissue fee. Idk if this is a normal thing but I just think it's really not cool for them to charge me to receive the money they owe me when they already underpaid me so much anyway. I'm asking my old boss if there's a way I can get my money without reissuing the check bc for all I know $35 might be most of that paycheck. Is there anything I can do or is this just how this kind of stuff works?

So I quit my job last summer and forgot that I was supposed to get a paycheck because I've never seen it nor has anyone living at my house where it should have been mailed to.
My old boss is telling me if I want to get my paycheck they'll take $35 out of it to cover the reissue fee.
Idk if this is a normal thing but I just think it's really not cool for them to charge me to receive the money they owe me when they already underpaid me so much anyway.
I'm asking my old boss if there's a way I can get my money without reissuing the check bc for all I know $35 might be most of that paycheck.
Is there anything I can do or is this just how this kind of stuff works?

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