
Is it ever going to get better?

I wish I still had the naivety of a child. Every waking moment I am stressed about the state of the world and how little there is that I can do to fix it. Will corporate greed ever go away? Will corporations ever be held accountable? With the way things are priced, and the way wages are stagnant, it genuinely feels like a war on anyone that isn’t filthy rich. Or maybe a cash grab before shit really hits the fan. All I know is that while the past had it’s own problems, I can’t help but feel jealous of the world that older generations like my grandparents got to live in. It sure sucks to be born in the twenty first century. I feel like my generation is getting fucked over worse than millennials did when they were first entering the workforce and economy in the 2000s and 2010s.…

I wish I still had the naivety of a child. Every waking moment I am stressed about the state of the world and how little there is that I can do to fix it. Will corporate greed ever go away? Will corporations ever be held accountable? With the way things are priced, and the way wages are stagnant, it genuinely feels like a war on anyone that isn’t filthy rich. Or maybe a cash grab before shit really hits the fan.

All I know is that while the past had it’s own problems, I can’t help but feel jealous of the world that older generations like my grandparents got to live in. It sure sucks to be born in the twenty first century. I feel like my generation is getting fucked over worse than millennials did when they were first entering the workforce and economy in the 2000s and 2010s. I wish we still lived in the era where each generation had it a little better than the last, instead of this individualist “fuck you, I got mine” mentality.

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