
Is it illegal to not tell an employee there is a 401k?

Ive been with the company for over 2 years. Full Time for over 1 year. Last week, a disgruntled employee started talking about her 401k plan. This was the first time it was ever mentioned to me… I think. I was never given any paperwork or information about it. I’ve been trying to recall any time it was brought up verbally but I do not recall any. The other employee said that’s on purpose. For reference it’s a small company with literally no hr. Besides being super gross, is that illegal?

Ive been with the company for over 2 years. Full
Time for over 1 year. Last week, a disgruntled employee started talking about her 401k plan. This was the first time it was ever mentioned to me… I think. I was never given any paperwork or information about it. I’ve been trying to recall any time it was brought up verbally but I do not recall any. The other employee said that’s on purpose. For reference it’s a small company with literally no hr. Besides being super gross, is that illegal?

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