
is it normal for supervisors to host employee engagement seminars/programs where they promise a “better work environment”, but then refuse to change anything after the program ends?

Recently, the company I work with hired a consultant and we were informed that this person's goal would be to help improve the work culture and build a stronger team among employees. A lot of us assumed that this meant we would be meeting with the consultant as a team to learn more about how we could actually work together to build a system of support between colleagues since we have a very hands-off supervisor that is absent 99% of the time. She's never around to help provide feedback/advice, and the minute anyone approaches her to get help she tells them “we'll have an ongoing conversation about that” and then doesn't do shit about it or do anything to help address the issue. So a lot of us thought ok, well maybe she'll finally listen to what we have to say after we share our experiences with the consultant. We…

Recently, the company I work with hired a consultant and we were informed that this person's goal would be to help improve the work culture and build a stronger team among employees. A lot of us assumed that this meant we would be meeting with the consultant as a team to learn more about how we could actually work together to build a system of support between colleagues since we have a very hands-off supervisor that is absent 99% of the time.

She's never around to help provide feedback/advice, and the minute anyone approaches her to get help she tells them “we'll have an ongoing conversation about that” and then doesn't do shit about it or do anything to help address the issue.

So a lot of us thought ok, well maybe she'll finally listen to what we have to say after we share our experiences with the consultant. We were given lengthy surveys encouraging us to share our experiences as staff members and our thoughts about how to improve our work environment. Then we got an email from the consultant saying that she would only be discussing our feedback with the supervisor and “giving them advice about how to improve operations”.

So….basically..after spending hours of answering questions about providing incentives for employees, things that need to be done to improve management, and staff engagement, our answers will basically go in one ear and out the other since the supervisor won't actually be around to implement any of the changes we requested.

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