
Is it normal to feel this exhausted after a 5 day work week?

I’m really starting to question life and how we need to work to sustain a living. And how every weekend after a 5 day work week I face plant into my couch and struggle to fight fatigue. I wake up my body sore, my mind cloudy, and just want to stay in bed all day. I’m physically burnt out and I don’t even do crazy manual labor. My job deals with seeing people. And people are draining. I just wonder if there is such a thing as work life balance. If I worked part time how could I afford to live under a roof and eat and survive? Usually after 1 day is wasted sleeping and resting the next day I feel generally better. But then it’s back to work again to go thru the same grueling week and feel the same thing all over again. I’m not old, healthy…

I’m really starting to question life and how we need to work to sustain a living. And how every weekend after a 5 day work week I face plant into my couch and struggle to fight fatigue. I wake up my body sore, my mind cloudy, and just want to stay in bed all day. I’m physically burnt out and I don’t even do crazy manual labor. My job deals with seeing people. And people are draining. I just wonder if there is such a thing as work life balance. If I worked part time how could I afford to live under a roof and eat and survive? Usually after 1 day is wasted sleeping and resting the next day I feel generally better. But then it’s back to work again to go thru the same grueling week and feel the same thing all over again. I’m not old, healthy with no ailments, and I have loving family and friends. So nothing seems to be wrong with me, all I can put blame on is having to work. Grrr!

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