
Is it ok to handle hot food without tongs?

I started a job at McDonald's today and worked in the kitchen. I was surprised to find that the food is not handled with tongs. I was required to grab greasy hot burgers and chicken with my hands all day. We did wear gloves but they were cheap disposable gloves that didn't stop my fingers from getting burned. I worked at burger King quite a few years ago and we were absolutely required to handle all hot foods with tongs and not our hands. This seems like a really odd practice to me and I would like some more insight about whether or not this is common practice for McDonald's or if it's just this particular store, or if this is even legal.

I started a job at McDonald's today and worked in the kitchen. I was surprised to find that the food is not handled with tongs. I was required to grab greasy hot burgers and chicken with my hands all day. We did wear gloves but they were cheap disposable gloves that didn't stop my fingers from getting burned. I worked at burger King quite a few years ago and we were absolutely required to handle all hot foods with tongs and not our hands. This seems like a really odd practice to me and I would like some more insight about whether or not this is common practice for McDonald's or if it's just this particular store, or if this is even legal.

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