
Is it possible to live an income free life?

Do you have to report favors or barters to the IRS? Every one? Like if I gave someone a massage and they said they would buy me lunch would that have to be reported to the IRS? If so me and my friends are going to jail because we do that stuff all the time(not exactly that but like a drive for lunch sort of thing). This might seem obvious as a a no because then you would have to report dates to the IRS. But if there was person 1 who provided resources for person 2 to thrive while person 2 wanted to use those resources to help person 1 while also being able to gain benefit from the use of those resources. Like if a millionaire told you to go pick up his lunch and gave you an insignificant amount for him like 1,000 dollars but for you…

Do you have to report favors or barters to the IRS? Every one? Like if I gave someone a massage and they said they would buy me lunch would that have to be reported to the IRS? If so me and my friends are going to jail because we do that stuff all the time(not exactly that but like a drive for lunch sort of thing).
This might seem obvious as a a no because then you would have to report dates to the IRS. But if there was person 1 who provided resources for person 2 to thrive while person 2 wanted to use those resources to help person 1 while also being able to gain benefit from the use of those resources.
Like if a millionaire told you to go pick up his lunch and gave you an insignificant amount for him like 1,000 dollars but for you was what you made in a month sorta thing. Do you report 0 income? Or do you have to report every minor interaction as a transaction? Even if it is just like an unspoken favor between friends?
This sounds sorta sketch but if I have a successful friend and I act as personal secretary and he makes sure I get what I need but have no other income what do I report to the irs? Sort of stay at home wife.
Plus the genders are a mystery to make the reveal funny. Or not since it's kinda obvious.
Edit: People always* mention this but this was written* on a phone. And I can see why lol.

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