
Is it reasonable for me to want to quit my job and find another one due to a toxic work environment?

I’ll start off by saying I’ve worked there for 4 years now. I work 3 12 hour shifts and I’m off 4 days. I got this job right out of high school because my parent has been employed there for 10 years. My job is just an entry level service job. The biggest reason I’m not happy there is because of the toxicity. There’s constant gossip about other employees, a large portion of it comes from my direct boss. She’s a complete narcissist. All she does is gloat about how she’s an amazing employee while she trash talks everyone. She is a complete two faced bitch, acts nice to my face one day and then the next I’m talked down to. Examples: she claims I don’t know what it’s like to experience mental health issues because she’s experienced worse than me. Recently I was severely ill (provided a doctors note…

I’ll start off by saying I’ve worked there for 4 years now. I work 3 12 hour shifts and I’m off 4 days. I got this job right out of high school because my parent has been employed there for 10 years. My job is just an entry level service job.

The biggest reason I’m not happy there is because of the toxicity.

There’s constant gossip about other employees, a large portion of it comes from my direct boss. She’s a complete narcissist. All she does is gloat about how she’s an amazing employee while she trash talks everyone. She is a complete two faced bitch, acts nice to my face one day and then the next I’m talked down to.

Examples: she claims I don’t know what it’s like to experience mental health issues because she’s experienced worse than me.

Recently I was severely ill (provided a doctors note and everything. For context, I have a severe C Diff infection and I’ve been shitting blood for weeks!) and all she did was tell management that it wasn’t a big deal. She’s had this illness before and it’s not a big deal. Its hilarious to me because she says this about any illness or issue I present to them. She’s always had it worse than me.

If I don’t respond to her texts on my days off, she goes to my parent that works there and tries to get information. I have no privacy. She goes to my parent and talks about any business of mine even when it has nothing to do with them.

I deal with constant bullshit from her. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

I’ve also been dealing with an individual who has some serious mental health issues. He’s about 40 years older than me, and he’s a miserable human being.

To keep this short, he’s an extreme gossiper. Anything you tell him gets out to everyone in the building by the end of the weekend. All he does is walk around trying to talk shit about people. He shits on people who don’t own homes or those who work entry level jobs (ie me!)

The biggest issue with this person is I’ve caught him stalking me outside of work multiple times.
He has also tried to hookup with my single mother because he wants to get tea that he can spill at work about my life.
I accidentally told him where my mother lives (before I knew what kind of person he was)and he walks by her house every single night trying to talk to her.

I talked about going to a new place of employment and he claimed he would follow me there..

I can’t avoid him at work, he constantly follows me around while I’m trying to do my job.

On top of all of this, I’m going to school full time in September. This place is sucking the life out of me. The money is great and that’s the only reason I’m still there. But I have deteriorating mental health because of it. The 12 hour shifts are killing my body (I have physical chronic health issues).

I feel like at this point I’m rambling and looking for reassurance that this isn’t all in my head and this place is toxic. I have a job interview tomorrow and I have some horrible anxiety as to whether I’m making the right choice or not. There are good things about this place, and for whatever fucked up reason I feel guilt for going to this interview.

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