
Is it time to address unpaid practicums/internships?

Many fields require some sort of practicum/ internship to accumulate enough hours to obtain an official designation. Many of these are in the health care sector and are often unpaid. Labour is labour, and you should be paid for your work/services rendered. The majority of these fields are predominantly worked by women. The kicker is schools will usually make you pay to stay enrolled while you go work for free. Seems like a clever scheme made up in the past to get some free labour.

Many fields require some sort of practicum/ internship to accumulate enough hours to obtain an official designation. Many of these are in the health care sector and are often unpaid. Labour is labour, and you should be paid for your work/services rendered. The majority of these fields are predominantly worked by women. The kicker is schools will usually make you pay to stay enrolled while you go work for free. Seems like a clever scheme made up in the past to get some free labour.

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