
Is it time to find a new job?

For some background to, I work as a Lead Administrator what that entails is doing all the administrative work for our Clinical Staff Managers so they can focus on patient care. I work in a 135 bed ICU so we have about 400 Staff mix of RN's and CP's and 14 Managers. I recently had my yearly evaluation in which I clearly showed the amount of work I do for all 14 people plus scheduling new hires and a ass load more. I have also proven how great of a worker I am. (Which is a fucking CURSE) I get paid $19.25/hr which is ridiculous to what they get paid. Yes I know a lot of info about the department I work in. I asked for a raise in this evaluation her response was not what I wanted to hear slathered in shit. Basically we can't afford to give you…

For some background to, I work as a Lead Administrator what that entails is doing all the administrative work for our Clinical Staff Managers so they can focus on patient care. I work in a 135 bed ICU so we have about 400 Staff mix of RN's and CP's and 14 Managers. I recently had my yearly evaluation in which I clearly showed the amount of work I do for all 14 people plus scheduling new hires and a ass load more. I have also proven how great of a worker I am. (Which is a fucking CURSE) I get paid $19.25/hr which is ridiculous to what they get paid. Yes I know a lot of info about the department I work in. I asked for a raise in this evaluation her response was not what I wanted to hear slathered in shit. Basically we can't afford to give you one was the answer. These people get paid 50+ an hour, I've been asked to not take breaks or a lunch and to work over time I always say no because my personal time outside of the 40 hours I give to work is to important. I barely see my wife nor have time to take care of our house. Why is it so fucking difficult to find a job that treats their employees right.. I just want to be able to still afford living where I'm at but everything is expensive because of corporate/ landlord greed. Is that to much to ask anymore?

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