
Is it time to quit or should I wait it out?

I’ve been with my current employer for a little over 7 months. I’m the CEO’s assistant – I’m making about 180k – I work very hard. The company is almost five years old and the company has gone through six assistants. They range from less than 24 hours, to 1 year, but everyone ends up quitting. Learning this, I recommended a former colleague “Joe” who I knew was great at bus work, required little direction, and is just generally fantastic – he started four months ago. We joke around and say “there are problems, but we’ve been through war, so we know how good we have it.” Last month another woman “Rachel” quit, I think the writing has been on the wall. She often complained about the benefits, culture, she was coming into the office more dressed up, coming into the office on work from home days, taking long lunches,…

I’ve been with my current employer for a little over 7 months. I’m the CEO’s assistant – I’m making about 180k – I work very hard. The company is almost five years old and the company has gone through six assistants. They range from less than 24 hours, to 1 year, but everyone ends up quitting.

Learning this, I recommended a former colleague “Joe” who I knew was great at bus work, required little direction, and is just generally fantastic – he started four months ago. We joke around and say “there are problems, but we’ve been through war, so we know how good we have it.”

Last month another woman “Rachel” quit, I think the writing has been on the wall. She often complained about the benefits, culture, she was coming into the office more dressed up, coming into the office on work from home days, taking long lunches, etc.

We’ve al had some issues with the receptionist, “Alicia” who has been with the company for about three years. She comes in late, leaves early, is always away from her desk – we sincerely don’t care, but then we have high valued visitors calling down the corridors or walking through the office to try and find someone. She just never tells anyone. She has a bad attitude whenever I mention it and says she reports to the CFO. Now, every time I have a visitor, I check to make sure she’s there, so they don’t have a bad impression. Everyone does this, but I have two to three times as many visitors, so she sees me a lot more. Alicia has been complaining that I’m micro managing her, who made me office manager, I’m walking around the office like my shit doesn’t stink… etc.

Every time Alicia sees me walking towards reception she bangs her hand on the desk, sucks her teeth, or rolls her eyes. I’m noticing the hostility and two weeks ago asked our general counsel (HR) how I should manage this where my guests are greeted but I don’t make her feel uncomfortable. I tried to talk to Alicia and asked her how I can help support her, etc. she said she would flag for everyone, but she continues to let visitors yell down the hall.

Well, “Orla” started with the company last Wednesday, to take Rachel’s position – she quit on Thursday. I asked her for feedback. She gave some feedback that matched Rachel – on her first day, no one who she supported had time for her. She should have met me or joe beforehand because she had no idea what her day to day would be like. She felt pressured to accept the position – she was interviewed for 30 minutes and started within five days. She had no laptop, no email, she sat around all day doing nothing. If it wasn’t for me and joe, she would have had no welcome – she was in the office for 8 hours.

I relay this information to the general counsel on Thursday. I also gave him a lot of feedback I got from Rachel over 7 months. Alicia sees me talking to the general counsel, when she delivered his lunch. I think she thought we were talking about how she came in at 10:30, but there were visitors at 9:30 and 10 and she didn’t tell anyone. I don’t care – at this point I’m hoping she hangs herself.

Alicia tells one of the partners that Claire quit because I was bossing her around all day and she didn’t want someone with a fraction of experience telling her what to do. I spent less than 30 minutes with Claire. She says Rachel also quit because Joe and I are toxic. If I don’t leave, she will leave. I came across an email this partner then sent to all the partners detailing his conversation with Alicia, and it just seems like she wants to get me fired – I don’t think I should stay.

Honestly, I wish I could have quit on Friday. I know I have to have something lined up first though, because I live in an expensive city and cannot support myself for more than a few months. I feel so bad for Joe and feel responsible for bringing him into a bad situation. Any help or insights would be great.

The CEO, my boss, was abroad all last week.

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