
Is it worth it to keep trying at a job you know you are loosing in a few weeks?

I learned yesterday that I’m loosing my job come mid March. In a way this was always going to happen. A good chunk of the work force I’m a part of are on temporary contacts. Accepted for 9-18 months, which is then extended or ended after that time frame. Some had been there for 10 years plus on these temp contracts. But seems management is having a shake up. All the temp people like me will no longer be renewed. My boss told us this and that new jobs will be posted soon and we should keep an eye out for them. I feel very empty about this. Not saddened but not happy. Is it even worth it to keep trying at this job anymore? I mean it’s a great position and the people I work with are wonderful but why should I give a shit about a work place…

I learned yesterday that I’m loosing my job come mid March. In a way this was always going to happen. A good chunk of the work force I’m a part of are on temporary contacts. Accepted for 9-18 months, which is then extended or ended after that time frame. Some had been there for 10 years plus on these temp contracts. But seems management is having a shake up. All the temp people like me will no longer be renewed. My boss told us this and that new jobs will be posted soon and we should keep an eye out for them.

I feel very empty about this. Not saddened but not happy. Is it even worth it to keep trying at this job anymore? I mean it’s a great position and the people I work with are wonderful but why should I give a shit about a work place I was always expendable in?

I’m sorry this is more of a rant. Needed to get it out.

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