
Is my boss allowed to make me take my break 2 hours after I begin working? Even if I have studying to do?

I’m an apprenticeship. Lately I’ve had to pester my boss about allowing me to complete my work / study time whilst on the clock (it says in my Apprenticeship contract I’m entitled to 6 hours per week study time ) and my tutor said I’m supposed to do it during working hours not at home or it won’t count towards ‘off the job training ‘So after nearly 4 months of him not giving me my study time and me falling super behind in my course (-63 hours) he’s finally sorted out a rota. Usually I take my break at 1pm as instructed by him. I start at 10am everyday and work until 5pm apart from Two days a weeks where I work until 6pm. Now ever since he’s made this Rota , he said he wants me to take my break at 12pm and begin my study time at 1pm…

I’m an apprenticeship. Lately I’ve had to pester my boss about allowing me to complete my work / study time whilst on the clock (it says in my Apprenticeship contract I’m entitled to 6 hours per week study time ) and my tutor said I’m supposed to do it during working hours not at home or it won’t count towards ‘off the job training ‘So after nearly 4 months of him not giving me my study time and me falling super behind in my course (-63 hours) he’s finally sorted out a rota.

Usually I take my break at 1pm as instructed by him. I start at 10am everyday and work until 5pm apart from Two days a weeks where I work until 6pm. Now ever since he’s made this Rota , he said he wants me to take my break at 12pm and begin my study time at 1pm until 2pm. He referred to my study time as an ‘extended break’

Is this legal ? I’m still technically working in my study time so why should. I take my break 2 hours after I begin working ?

Also want to mention Hes still not giving me the full 6hrs I’m entitled to and only 3 hrs, my tutor said she’s going be contacting him regarding it

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