
is my boss micromanaging me and should I quit or am I overthinking things?

Is my boss micromanaging me and should I quit or am I overthinking things? Before I get started I should point out that my boss is a family friend which hired me in a small place with about 5 other people. I was looking for a job in a certain field at the time after dropping out of college. After a couple weeks my parents just throw a job on me with a family friend saying I'll be doing some electronic wiring and shiz (I previously was in a HS robotics team, oh yeah I was 18 when this took place ~8 months ago). I used to carpool with him going in whenever he went in, sometimes at 6 and sometimes at 8. This went on for a few months until I got a car less than 2 months ago. He would always tell me to do things a “different”…

Is my boss micromanaging me and should I quit or am I overthinking things?

Before I get started I should point out that my boss is a family friend which hired me in a small place with about 5 other people. I was looking for a job in a certain field at the time after dropping out of college. After a couple weeks my parents just throw a job on me with a family friend saying I'll be doing some electronic wiring and shiz (I previously was in a HS robotics team, oh yeah I was 18 when this took place ~8 months ago).

I used to carpool with him going in whenever he went in, sometimes at 6 and sometimes at 8. This went on for a few months until I got a car less than 2 months ago.

He would always tell me to do things a “different” way which was the exact way I was already doing things and always checking up on me which was never electrical stuff. It was all always just cleaning and dismantling production machines coated in a layer of coolant and grease.

I understand that I'm the new guy but I don't even know what my position is at the company for crying out loud and I didn't sign up to clean up after them for 6 months straight.

Now I thought we had a good thing going where I would go in and send him my hours which I kept track of on an app. Yeah sometimes I would go in no later than 10 minutes late without telling him but he was never there and I always made up that extra time. But now I find out last week that he's been tattling to my Mom when I was later than usual. I had texted him ahead of time that I was going to be late that day and yeah I understand that's my fault and much later than usual. But not only did he text my MOM, he wasn't even there to know I was late. So that means that he has someone monitoring me.

Now he wants me to fill in a physical time card and have someone sign me in and out like a childcare a godamn childcare, I'm 19 now.

Another thing that ticks me off ontop of it all is the schedule.
Now we never had a set schedule of when to take lunch or breaks. I never took breaks cause I didn't know I needed to. And took lunch when everyone else did which lasted an hour at different times everyday. Now, he has been working with the same people for 20 years maybe so he knows how long lunch is. He assigned me to work from 7:30-4:00. That makes it a 37.5hr work week and he questions me why I don't work 40 hours when he made the schedule.

Now my schedule states work at 7:30 on the dot no later, 9:30 10 min break 12:00 lunch 2:30 10 min break 4:00 leave. I now take my break alone after everyone else leaves. I feel isolated and micromanaged at work doing menial tasks under a microscope daily.

Sorry if this was more of a rant that anything else but am I overthinking it all or is my boss bad and should I quit?

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