Old manager texted me last thurs night on my personal (not the work phone) telling me to be prepared for an impromptu 1 on 1 Friday morning. Other people received the same text and they were let go. My employer handed me a document describing a different position in a different department than what I was hired for and basically said we’re transferring you elsewhere nut up or shut up. I tried out the position today and my biggest grievance is mandatory on call which will not fit in my schedule. I told my new manager that he is free to schedule me in the rotation but there is 0% chance I’m taking calls after 5pm. During our conversation, he agreed upper mgmt fucked me. He told me he would try to work around my schedule but we both know that’s not happening. Should I air out grievances with HR? Do I quit or let them fire me? Never been let go before and I was very happy in my old position. This happened suddenly and was decided by mgmt on my behalf with 0 communication or input from me. I live in FL if that matters.