
Is my job not paying me for time worked?

I started this job as a Store Manger in Training (SMIT) at a local coffee shop chain. The company doesn’t have a store available for me yet to manage, so I’m functioning as an Assistant Manager at another store. My employment agreement states that as a salaried employee I will be required to work 45-50 hours/week for $52k/year. I signed the agreement and have been consistently scheduled 45hrs/week which has become extremely taxing as the work environment is extremely dysfunctional and hostile. The company uses a popular app for payroll and within the app my paystub shows that I am getting paid for only 40hrs/week at a rate of $25/hr. When I brought this up to my Area Manager she explained that I was getting paid for the full 45 hours, but the app doesn’t reflect that due to how the system works. But if I were getting paid for…

I started this job as a Store Manger in Training (SMIT) at a local coffee shop chain. The company doesn’t have a store available for me yet to manage, so I’m functioning as an Assistant Manager at another store. My employment agreement states that as a salaried employee I will be required to work 45-50 hours/week for $52k/year. I signed the agreement and have been consistently scheduled 45hrs/week which has become extremely taxing as the work environment is extremely dysfunctional and hostile. The company uses a popular app for payroll and within the app my paystub shows that I am getting paid for only 40hrs/week at a rate of $25/hr. When I brought this up to my Area Manager she explained that I was getting paid for the full 45 hours, but the app doesn’t reflect that due to how the system works. But if I were getting paid for the full 45 hours that would mean my hourly rate was approx. $22/hr, right? Because if I was getting paid $25/hr that my paystub suggests, my salary would be around $58k/yr instead of $52k, right? Also, don’t my paystubs have to accurately reflect my time worked, even if I’m a salaried employee?

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