
Is my manager being homophobic?

So my coworker (we’ll call him Randy) and I (both queer males in relationships with a woman), send memes/videos back and forth to each other. Today I sent Randy a video of an old steven yuen skit while I was off the clock at home and Randy was clocked out and headed to lunch. Randy opened the video at a low volume, while nobody else was around. Our manager (Jack) was passing Randy and leaned into Randy and asked him “Whatcha watching?” to which Randy said “A video from Harry”. Jack told Randy that this video was inappropriate and offensive and filed an incident report and it turned into something that was brought to our general manager. Is this video homophobic? Randy and I really don’t think it is and it wasn’t sent with any malicious intent, nor was it meant to be heard by anyone else. Is my manager…

So my coworker (we’ll call him Randy) and I (both queer males in relationships with a woman), send memes/videos back and forth to each other. Today I sent Randy a video of an old steven yuen skit while I was off the clock at home and Randy was clocked out and headed to lunch. Randy opened the video at a low volume, while nobody else was around. Our manager (Jack) was passing Randy and leaned into Randy and asked him “Whatcha watching?” to which Randy said “A video from Harry”. Jack told Randy that this video was inappropriate and offensive and filed an incident report and it turned into something that was brought to our general manager.

Is this video homophobic? Randy and I really don’t think it is and it wasn’t sent with any malicious intent, nor was it meant to be heard by anyone else. Is my manager tripping or is he right? Jack didn’t tell Randy what was offensive about the video and just went ahead with filing a report. Can someone help us out with this please?

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