
Is my supervisor lowkey micromanaging us?

I work for the public defender as a legal assistant. At first things seem okay. I had quit my previous job at a private law firm a couple months ago and moved to this area. I thought my old job was micromanaging and toxic but honestly being at my current job made me compare the two places. Old job wasn’t so bad compared to this one. I hate calling out sick at my current job. I have to notify supervisor half an hour before my shift starts that I’m sick and won’t come in. But that’s not enough. I have to call back later to have a “chat.” Always always the damn chat. I don’t know if it’s because of COVID or what. But even then, at my old job, I would call in sick and they take my word for it and leave me alone. And I’d be honest…

I work for the public defender as a legal assistant. At first things seem okay. I had quit my previous job at a private law firm a couple months ago and moved to this area. I thought my old job was micromanaging and toxic but honestly being at my current job made me compare the two places. Old job wasn’t so bad compared to this one.

I hate calling out sick at my current job. I have to notify supervisor half an hour before my shift starts that I’m sick and won’t come in. But that’s not enough. I have to call back later to have a “chat.” Always always the damn chat. I don’t know if it’s because of COVID or what. But even then, at my old job, I would call in sick and they take my word for it and leave me alone. And I’d be honest if I think it’s COVID and do the test. And I would get offered to do remote work if I just have a minor cold.

If I request to leave early for feeling sick at my current job, I have to have a chat. I hope I never have to suddenly leave early for personal reasons because then I’d be forced to have a chat about it.

I don’t know why we have to do these stupid chats. I find it invasive. I’m curious to know if the attorneys have these chats too when they call out sick, because if they don’t then we are f****.

The other worst part is that the supervisor is putting the short staff problems on us the current employees in my unit. Right now because of the holidays, everyone wants to be out either the day before Christmas or days before new years. Because we’re short staffed on receptionist, we all have to back up the current receptionist which adds another person to our plate. Now that I think about it the other unit which is in another building don’t have to worry about covering the receptionist. We’re all in the same position. Anyways, supervisor made me feel like sht because I asked for the 30th off only and she told me she was scared for my coworker who’s staying behind alone. I’ve been alone before and she never reached out to me. At my old job, I was the only one in my dept/position so too bad if I was out. And the employer understood that and never guilt tripped me.

I don’t know what to do anymore but I feel stressed from management than the work itself.

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