
Is the company I work for going to go under? If so, how do I make the most of it?

So, I won't give too many details because I'm sure a smart cookie could piece things together, but here we go. I got hired a bit ago and now the rose-tinted glasses are gone and I'm starting to see a lot of cracks in the company. This company is a subsidiary of a large conglomerate, and in my eyes this is the only thing that keeps it afloat. ​ My concerns at the moment are that we don't have projects to work on, we haven't won a singular project on the new technology, and despite this they were hiring like crazy. The upper management feels stuck in a sunk-cost fallacy. A lot of people seem clueless and they don't seem to follow procedures. A lot of the higher management is completely ruptured from the actual workers, and everyone in the middle management seems to fend for themselves and try to…

So, I won't give too many details because I'm sure a smart cookie could piece things together, but here we go.

I got hired a bit ago and now the rose-tinted glasses are gone and I'm starting to see a lot of cracks in the company. This company is a subsidiary of a large conglomerate, and in my eyes this is the only thing that keeps it afloat.

My concerns at the moment are that we don't have projects to work on, we haven't won a singular project on the new technology, and despite this they were hiring like crazy. The upper management feels stuck in a sunk-cost fallacy. A lot of people seem clueless and they don't seem to follow procedures. A lot of the higher management is completely ruptured from the actual workers, and everyone in the middle management seems to fend for themselves and try to get ahead of someone else with random crap, not with a specific plan.

Seeing how this is a subsidiary of a large company I doubt they will go under, at most get dissolved or sold. Should I be worried at all? Like, it feels that the company isn't doing great, and every worker feels it.

I'm European and in my country it's quite difficult to fire someone (like, you need a very explicit reason to get fired and cases are rare), so if the company were to fail I'd probably get some compensatory wages.

I'm sure there's an optimal action plan here that I'm missing.

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