
Is there a good career to transition to from public accounting (where employers are destroying their own workforce)

Sister has a bs in finance and a masters in public accounting, and the way that public accounting is set up is running her ragged. No one is getting into the field anymore, so they can’t hire others. They keep piling her assignments on, have added a second location and 45 minute commute to her responsibilities, and a $1000 bonus as the only compensation is supposed to make it all OK. She’s looking for an out into some sort of related industry that is reasonable where she wouldn’t have to start at the bottom, but is willing to up and quit to get away from the stress and be free to do some interviews. I thought antiwork might have a lead on how she can reclaim her respect by getting away from this employer without wasting her education and years of training.

Sister has a bs in finance and a masters in public accounting, and the way that public accounting is set up is running her ragged. No one is getting into the field anymore, so they can’t hire others. They keep piling her assignments on, have added a second location and 45 minute commute to her responsibilities, and a $1000 bonus as the only compensation is supposed to make it all OK. She’s looking for an out into some sort of related industry that is reasonable where she wouldn’t have to start at the bottom, but is willing to up and quit to get away from the stress and be free to do some interviews. I thought antiwork might have a lead on how she can reclaim her respect by getting away from this employer without wasting her education and years of training.

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