
Is there anybody else who feels like art would be huge in a post-work world?

I really wanna be a sci fi fiction author, but I’m autistic and easily burnt out from working, it’s hard for me to keep a job, and money is tight so i need to work a lot. This means that i never have any real energy to be creative or rest my mind so i can actually sit down and work on my creative projects. I’ve got a feeling that a lot of people who are forced to work now would rather have the ability to make art, and i think a lot more varied and interesting art pieces in every medium could start getting made. Not to mention if art wasn’t tied to how much money it makes, we could see a lot cooler and weirder and better art coming. I wanna live in that world, i love being creative, and i think we’d all be better people for…

I really wanna be a sci fi fiction author, but I’m autistic and easily burnt out from working, it’s hard for me to keep a job, and money is tight so i need to work a lot.

This means that i never have any real energy to be creative or rest my mind so i can actually sit down and work on my creative projects.

I’ve got a feeling that a lot of people who are forced to work now would rather have the ability to make art, and i think a lot more varied and interesting art pieces in every medium could start getting made. Not to mention if art wasn’t tied to how much money it makes, we could see a lot cooler and weirder and better art coming. I wanna live in that world, i love being creative, and i think we’d all be better people for it.

Anyways, sorry to ramble/vent, just a feeling I had that i wanted to talk about.

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