
Is this even legal??

Hey so i got some stuff going on at work and i dont know if its even legal or not but heres the story: i work in a factory with my very close cousins husband he is fairly young about to be 20 im 22 he has been married to my cousin for 2 years now since the birth of their child now a female co worker was just put into our department that we both know he claims he has known her before meeting my cousin (even though its complete bs) he talks flirts dresses and buys her lunch while he leaves my cousin and her child at home refuses to call her refuses to even be near her and help her with the baby when we all go out to museums for the kids as soon as we walk through the doors to where we go he separates…

Hey so i got some stuff going on at work and i dont know if its even legal or not but heres the story: i work in a factory with my very close cousins husband he is fairly young about to be 20 im 22 he has been married to my cousin for 2 years now since the birth of their child now a female co worker was just put into our department that we both know he claims he has known her before meeting my cousin (even though its complete bs) he talks flirts dresses and buys her lunch while he leaves my cousin and her child at home refuses to call her refuses to even be near her and help her with the baby when we all go out to museums for the kids as soon as we walk through the doors to where we go he separates himself from them and doesnt answer his phone when my cousin calls when she needs his help ive tried talking to him and telling him that we both have kids and that he has to grow up and mature from all these things and just pay more attention and care more about his wife and kid but all he tells me is pretty much to not worry its not like she is ever going to find out and to me thats really disrespectful so after months and months of telling him and getting the same bullshit answer after i can literally see him doing stuff with our co worker that he wouldn’t do for my cousin (food, flirt, gifts) so one day my cousin calls me and asks me why isnt he answering his phone that she has been trying to call him all day i look over and he is doing her work for her i tell her what he is doing and she confronts him after work he tells her our boss put him to work with her because he is the only one who can train people at our job even though she has her trainer but i saw him practically beg on his knees to our boss to let him train her after my cousin confronts him he completely starts giving me the cold shoulder and i understand why he would be pissed but he honestly did this to himself i show up to work on Saturday for overtime and a few of my friends walk up to me and tell me that on Thursday when it was my day off he was talking to her and she went up to the plant manager and started saying that I’m harassing her and making her feel uncomfortable at work so they call him up and from what i heard they both were trying to get me fired for telling my cousin what he has been up to and my boss told me if it happens again I’m getting canned for making her uncomfortable i told my boss that this was supposed to be between him my cousin and me and that this is not work related and shouldn’t have even been brought to work and if anyone made her uncomfortable it was him for telling our co worker my boss pretty much said that it didn’t matter and that if it happens again and she complains I’m going to get fired so now everyday they are doing their thing in front of me at work my cousin calling me asking about her man and its been fucking my head up pretty bad i don’t know what to do i cant work in peace my job is getting in between me and my family and its been like this for 3 months im constantly under watch by my boss and i know that our co worker and my cousins husband will try to get me fired can my job seriously get into my person business with my cousin like this or wtf is going on?

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