
Is this how it just is gonna be?

There's no jobs in my city. Everyone says they are hiring and nobody wants to work, but 80% of the job postings for my area are fake or they are insanely ridiculous. (Think $8.50 an hour to work a back breaking physical labor job with no benefits). I've applied at around 500 places in the last few months and had 3 interviews. I've applied at a lot of work from home jobs and either they don't even look at my resume, or they decline me for not being the right fit for the job (even entry level). I have 7+ years experience in restaurant management and 6 months experience working from home processing emergency Covid rental assistance. I have an associates degree and a bachelor's and I'm in school for my masters in human resource management. I had to take a job at a fast food place. With two yellow…

There's no jobs in my city. Everyone says they are hiring and nobody wants to work, but 80% of the job postings for my area are fake or they are insanely ridiculous. (Think $8.50 an hour to work a back breaking physical labor job with no benefits).

I've applied at around 500 places in the last few months and had 3 interviews. I've applied at a lot of work from home jobs and either they don't even look at my resume, or they decline me for not being the right fit for the job (even entry level).

I have 7+ years experience in restaurant management and 6 months experience working from home processing emergency Covid rental assistance. I have an associates degree and a bachelor's and I'm in school for my masters in human resource management.

I had to take a job at a fast food place. With two yellow upside down U's in the logo.

I just did my orientation and I don't even want to go to my first day of work but I have a kid and I need the income desperately.

I applied for part time hours because my kid is disabled and I'm also in school full time. They immediately gave me full time hours even though I very explicitly and repeatedly said part time. They just … Nod say okay then ignore me. This is 4 managers that have ignored me on this and I haven't even started yet.

The ad said starting at $13 an hour. They started me at $11.50 but started two men with no experience at $13. Orientation was insane, we spent an hour watching videos that said basically “you're going to be screamed at and cursed out daily, people often physically attack you at this job, people will spit on you, and we get people with weapons that come in often. Sometimes we have active shooters. Your job is to do everything you can to be polite and understanding to these people. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE GOING THROUGH. Do everything possible to deescalate the situation, and if that doesn't work, find a hiding spot or escape route or evacuate. But remember it's YOUR fault if you respond in any way other than kindness and respect to these people!!”

Then the rest of the training was having us sign off to agreeing to all the things that will get you an immediate 2 day suspension without pay, how if you quit with no notice they knock your last paycheck down to minimum wage, how you have to turn your phone over as soon as you get to work (managers can keep their phones) and they put all the phones in a box in the break room. You get fired if you don't hand your phone over BUT if your phone gets broken or stolen they are not responsible in any way.

Also the district manager had us sign a lot of things like we get one shirt and have to pay for anything else we need, but then said “oh we don't follow that policy though” so why do I have to sign it?

The best part is we aren't allowed to have copies of the handbook with all the policies we had to sign that they supposedly “don't follow”

Random other shit that is stupid: My face can be tattooed completely but I can't wear my lip ring or tongue ring because it's offensive to older people. My nose ring is ok though and so are earrings, rings, bracelets and fake nails so it's definitely not a safety thing.

I am dreading starting tomorrow morning. I have been crying about it, but I've been out of work for months trying to find a new job and we're at the end of my savings and I don't get another stipend from school until February. I have no choice.

I just want a job where I'm valued and respected and paid a liveable wage. Why is that so wrong in our society?

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