
Is This How Things Work?

Not sure if I'm understanding things correctly, can someone tell me if this is how the world really works…? You can’t show up for work: Need explanation, need doctor’s note, need to find someone to cover, get written up Your company can’t schedule correctly: Too bad, deal with it You can't come in because of the weather: You’re irresponsible and not a team player Your company closes early because of the weather: We're protecting against business loss You take any time off: You’re not a team player Your manager goes on vacation: Manager deserves to recharge You call your job your “family”: Get laughed at Your job says you're part of a “family”: Acceptable job description You need tax forms that you never received: Pay us $10 to download a PDF of your W-2 Your ex-company wants stuff on your hard drive: It’s our property, give it to us or…

Not sure if I'm understanding things correctly, can someone tell me if this is how the world really works…?

You can’t show up for work: Need explanation, need doctor’s note, need to find someone to cover, get written up
Your company can’t schedule correctly: Too bad, deal with it

You can't come in because of the weather: You’re irresponsible and not a team player
Your company closes early because of the weather: We're protecting against business loss

You take any time off: You’re not a team player
Your manager goes on vacation: Manager deserves to recharge

You call your job your “family”: Get laughed at
Your job says you're part of a “family”: Acceptable job description

You need tax forms that you never received: Pay us $10 to download a PDF of your W-2
Your ex-company wants stuff on your hard drive: It’s our property, give it to us or we’ll sue

You quit without giving 2 weeks' notice: It’s unprofessional, you don’t care about your “family”
Your company fires you without warning: It’s a business decision, too bad

You sign a non-compete: It’s necessary to protect our investment in you
You tell your company to sign a non-compete: HAHAHAHAHA

If you don’t get a raise: You’re being paid what you’re worth
If the CEO gets a bonus: The CEO deserves it

Company makes a ton of money, but you still don’t get a raise: Times are tough/are going to be tough
Company makes a ton of money, management gets bonuses: They deserve it

You ask for a raise because of inflation: Sorry
Your company raises prices because of inflation: It's necessary for margins

You cry about not getting paid enough: You're lazy/stupid/uneducated/unqualified
Your company cries about not getting enough business: It's the economy/bad government policy

You apply for food stamps: Lazy socialist bastard
Company applies for millions in tax breaks: We deserve it

You declare bankruptcy: You’re an irresponsible deadbeat
Company declares bankruptcy: We’re renegotiating our debts to save our business

You pay a ton of taxes: It’s necessary to support the public welfare
Your company pays $0 in taxes: We deserve tax breaks

You try to record your boss: You can’t do that, it’s against the rules
Your boss tries to record you: We need to protect the business

You leave a negative review: Company threatens you with defamation
Your company gives you a negative reference: Too bad, should've kissed your boss’ ass

Do something immoral: You have violated company policy XYZ, get written up
Company does something immoral: It’s a business decision, and necessary for our survival

You lie: You’re a dishonest employee and we’re firing you for cause
Company lies: It’s just a change in policy

You park in a no-parking zone: Get ticketed and towed
Courier company parks in a no-parking zone: Nothing happens

You get caught speeding in your personal car: Get ticketed and pay out of pocket
You get caught speeding in your company car after your boss tells you to drive faster: Get ticketed and pay out of pocket

You handcuff your boss for wrongdoing: Assault and battery
Your company handcuffs you for wrongdoing: It's OK, they have a licensed private police force

Maximum amount that you can legally bribe your Congressman: $2,900
Maximum amount a company can legally bribe your Congressman: Unlimited through Super PACs

You call your Congressman: Talk to an overworked secretary/intern who can't wait to hang up
Your company calls your Congressman: Golf followed by drinks at a VIP club

You write to your Congressman: Get a canned form letter in response
Your company writes to your Congressman: Get legislation written in your company's favor

Worst thing that can happen if you steal from the tip jar: Jail time, criminal record
Worst thing that can happen if your company steals from the tip jar: Give the tips back and pay a small fine

Worst thing that can happen if you sell a chair that breaks and kills someone: Jail time, criminal record, bankruptcy
Worst thing that can happen if your company sells a car that kills dozens: Pay money

Worst thing that can happen if you burn some leaves during a burn ban: Jail time, criminal record
Worst thing that can happen if your chemical company poisons an entire river with cancer-causing PFOAs: Pay money

Worst thing that can happen if you spill motor oil down a storm drain: Jail time, criminal record
Worst thing that can happen if your oil company kills 11 people and spills crude oil across the entire Gulf of Mexico: Pay money

Worst thing that can happen if you kill 1 person: Execution
Worst thing that can happen if your chemical company kills 8,000 people and poisons hundreds of thousands more: Pay money

Worst thing to happen if you try to overthrow the government: Execution
Worst thing to happen if a bunch of Wall Street bankers try to recruit a famous general to overthrow the government: Nothing

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