
is this illegal? or unethical?

is this illegal? or unethical? I work in an adult retail store in the U.S, small building, normally the temperature in the building stays maintained however recently our AC broke but was quickly fixed by maintenance, and we were told to occasionally turn the thermostat inside to “on” instead of “auto” to check on it. Our DM has had to repeatedly tell staff (who are mostly gone now, me being the only one left from the original staff he had hired last year) in the past not to put the thermostat onto “On” and leave it on “auto”, but he isn’t in our store as often anymore so i guess he didn’t get my memo I had written down concerning this procedure asked of us by maintenance, and he (out of anger) ripped the thermostat out of the wall at our workplace, which made our heating/cooling system useless for the…

is this illegal? or unethical?

I work in an adult retail store in the U.S, small building, normally the temperature in the building stays maintained however recently our AC broke but was quickly fixed by maintenance, and we were told to occasionally turn the thermostat inside to “on” instead of “auto” to check on it. Our DM has had to repeatedly tell staff (who are mostly gone now, me being the only one left from the original staff he had hired last year) in the past not to put the thermostat onto “On” and leave it on “auto”, but he isn’t in our store as often anymore so i guess he didn’t get my memo I had written down concerning this procedure asked of us by maintenance, and he (out of anger) ripped the thermostat out of the wall at our workplace, which made our heating/cooling system useless for the few days he wasn’t there, which had me and the other employees both freezing one day and extremely hot another because of rapid temperature change in the state I live in and no thermostat to regulate it..until he came back in a few days later to cover for someone who was sick and realized how stuffy and hot it was in here, and he quickly put it back when HE was inconvenienced by it, despite us complaining about it in the days he wasn’t there, and he very much had the ability to come and put it back, with his home store being 7 minutes down the street and his house being 10.

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