
Is this just a US thing? Companies/ employers do not advise employees to go home when sick.

I’ve had numerous jobs and when my co worker is clearly sick, coughing for hours, and complaining of not feeling well, the boss will just brush it off and tell them to take care of themselves. I’ve gotten sick at work so many times. My co worker is currently coughing up a storm and told my supervisor she was in the hospital and left against doctor’s orders. And she’s still sitting next to me working. My throat hurts and I’m just keeping it to myself at this point because I’ve gotten a warning already for calling out sick.

I’ve had numerous jobs and when my co worker is clearly sick, coughing for hours, and complaining of not feeling well, the boss will just brush it off and tell them to take care of themselves.

I’ve gotten sick at work so many times.

My co worker is currently coughing up a storm and told my supervisor she was in the hospital and left against doctor’s orders. And she’s still sitting next to me working.

My throat hurts and I’m just keeping it to myself at this point because I’ve gotten a warning already for calling out sick.

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