
Is this really what the next 60 years of my life is supposed to be lol

19 going on 20… mind you this is my first “real” job. I work about 40 hours at a restaurant as a server. Id say i make decent money, maybe about 2k on a very good week. Compared to everybody else working the same hours else where, i think i have it pretty good as far as part time goes. I wont lie and say that the stress hasnt been getting to me lately though. Dealing with constant bitchy and entitled customers, toxic management and work environment, weird and unpredictable hours, etc. i suffer from extreme anxiety and sometimes it literally hurts to try and even go to work. Theres not a week where im not on the verge of crying… Every time i try to talk to somebody about this its almost always something along the lines of “welcome to the real world”. Well this is bullshit if this…

19 going on 20… mind you this is my first “real” job. I work about 40 hours at a restaurant as a server. Id say i make decent money, maybe about 2k on a very good week. Compared to everybody else working the same hours else where, i think i have it pretty good as far as part time goes.

I wont lie and say that the stress hasnt been getting to me lately though. Dealing with constant bitchy and entitled customers, toxic management and work environment, weird and unpredictable hours, etc. i suffer from extreme anxiety and sometimes it literally hurts to try and even go to work. Theres not a week where im not on the verge of crying…

Every time i try to talk to somebody about this its almost always something along the lines of “welcome to the real world”. Well this is bullshit if this is the real world. Thankfully i dont worry too hard on bills (3 family house hold we all do our part) but i wont sit here and say we arent a tragedy away from being in deep doo doo.

I had a discussion with my mom about this as eventually i will be looking for a new job. She says in all her life every job has been like that… bosses that give a rats ass about their employees, work environments based on hierarchy, companies that see us as nothing but labor, etc.

Im afraid one day when im alone i wouldnt even be able to manage all of this mentally, especially until im old enough to retire but even then PFFT. This shit is a joke.

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