
Is this workplace discrimination of the intellectually disabled?

I have been working for a state funded non-profit that does community services for the intellectually disabled for about a year and some change and this place also has a handful of intellectually disabled persons on the payroll part time as janitorial staff. Some have been working there for more than 30 years and are the sweetest people I have ever had the pleasure to be around. They give out bonuses every year and I happened to stumble upon excel spreadsheets in our common drive for the dollar amount for the bonuses that had been given out to everyone except the directors. It listed every single non director employee by name, the date they started, and the bonus they were going to get. I may or may not have looked at said spreadsheets (since it was in the public folders). They give out bonuses based on how long you have…

I have been working for a state funded non-profit that does community services for the intellectually disabled for about a year and some change and this place also has a handful of intellectually disabled persons on the payroll part time as janitorial staff. Some have been working there for more than 30 years and are the sweetest people I have ever had the pleasure to be around.

They give out bonuses every year and I happened to stumble upon excel spreadsheets in our common drive for the dollar amount for the bonuses that had been given out to everyone except the directors. It listed every single non director employee by name, the date they started, and the bonus they were going to get. I may or may not have looked at said spreadsheets (since it was in the public folders).

They give out bonuses based on how long you have been there (7+ years at the company would get you between 500-1200) and every single part time employee that is disabled only received a $50 bonus and a $50 gift card to a grocery store. like I said before some of these disabled people have been there for 30 years. All non disabled people that were part time and had worked there a similar amount of time received much higher bonuses. All the while on another document in the same folder each director received at minimum a $4K bonus and some of them are husband and wife (the sheet had a total dollar amount for the amount that the bonuses totaled up to and we only have 10 directors).

Even if it’s not against the law some how, I feel it’s morally bankrupt and seeing that just makes me feel gross for working there. Is this discrimination or am I reading too much into it?

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