
Is what my boss doing legal?

I was warned that this guy was hard to work for, but I couldn’t fathom what level of insane they were talking about. I gout hired at a business owned by 1 person. There are less than 20 employees. He yells and screams and talks down to everyone. He’s been sued for hostile work environment and sexual harassment and the lady won. He’s sometimes nice but that gets overshadowed buy all the crap we have to put up with. Don’t get me started on the micromanaging. My question is though on the legality of his time off rules. You can’t take an hour or two off for an appointment, you have to take a full day or a half day. If you request a day off, you are required to use pto. And today, after asking for 2 days off, one for a concert and one for a leak in…

I was warned that this guy was hard to work for, but I couldn’t fathom what level of insane they were talking about. I gout hired at a business owned by 1 person. There are less than 20 employees. He yells and screams and talks down to everyone. He’s been sued for hostile work environment and sexual harassment and the lady won. He’s sometimes nice but that gets overshadowed buy all the crap we have to put up with. Don’t get me started on the micromanaging. My question is though on the legality of his time off rules. You can’t take an hour or two off for an appointment, you have to take a full day or a half day. If you request a day off, you are required to use pto. And today, after asking for 2 days off, one for a concert and one for a leak in my apartment, he told me that since I only have 7 hours of pto left that I couldn’t have both days off and that if I took one of these days off unpaid that I would have to be moved to part time and lose my benefits. I said I hardly ever ask for time off and he said he could pull up the records for the last year. I said that the amount of time off doesn’t reflect what I requested , which was an hour here and there for doctors appointments, but the half and full days he required me to take off when I didn’t want to take that much time off. I asked him if I should put my 2 weeks notice in and he said if I wanted to. I said that I need to leave today to think about everything. I’m in California if that helps. Do I have any options? I got it all on video, which he knew I was recording because I told him to hold on while I got my camera out to record.

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