
Is your economic reality keeping you in an abusive relationship?

Are you bound to someone because you can't afford rent on your own? Does one person make more money and therefore has leverage on household decisions? Do you feel tied to someone because you can't renegotiate the terms of your marriage or afford divorce lawyer fees? This is the worst symptoms of late stage capatilisim. It's eating away at our mental health and more. I just want to give my current partner 10 grand and tell him that I never want to see him again. But I'm stuck. In a mortgage, in a car lease, in a capitalist structure that dictates I cannot leave an abusive relationship even if I have paid the debt. I tried to sell my last car and even though I went through all the necessary paperwork, paid off my car in full by myself, his name was still on the title. Because that's how it…

Are you bound to someone because you can't afford rent on your own? Does one person make more money and therefore has leverage on household decisions? Do you feel tied to someone because you can't renegotiate the terms of your marriage or afford divorce lawyer fees?

This is the worst symptoms of late stage capatilisim. It's eating away at our mental health and more.

I just want to give my current partner 10 grand and tell him that I never want to see him again. But I'm stuck. In a mortgage, in a car lease, in a capitalist structure that dictates I cannot leave an abusive relationship even if I have paid the debt. I tried to sell my last car and even though I went through all the necessary paperwork, paid off my car in full by myself, his name was still on the title. Because that's how it was financed. They wouldn't even accept a restraining order I had out as prof I couldn't get his signature.

I forged it and sold the car I solely paid for.

I'm tired. He tried to sue for alimony(I was the “bread winner”) when we weren't even married. California has very liberal common law verbiage.

Current partner is the one I want to give 10 grand and run the hell away from.

Anyone else out there just keeping it together because you can't afford to otherwise?

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