
Isn’t that illegal..?

So there's been quite a few things that have happened at my job that I have shaken my head about, and I mean a good bit of shit. I'll have to post a story time about that. But today I went to take a break to smoke, and there was a new break option. Usually it's 15 mins -paid, 30 min lunch -upaid. But today it said “10 min smoke break -unpaid” I looked at my coworker like “wtf? That's not legal.” I wasn't able to talk to my boss about it today, but tomorrow I'm going to talk to her. I can put up with a lot, but federal law says any break lasting 20 mins or less must be paid.

So there's been quite a few things that have happened at my job that I have shaken my head about, and I mean a good bit of shit. I'll have to post a story time about that.

But today I went to take a break to smoke, and there was a new break option. Usually it's 15 mins -paid, 30 min lunch -upaid. But today it said “10 min smoke break -unpaid” I looked at my coworker like “wtf? That's not legal.” I wasn't able to talk to my boss about it today, but tomorrow I'm going to talk to her. I can put up with a lot, but federal law says any break lasting 20 mins or less must be paid.

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