
It all makes sense now

So I was pondering everything in my car the other day and a few things came to me. The birth rate in the US has decreased so much that we are now at a point where more people die than are being born to replace them. What this means for us: The billionaires have now been in contact with members of congress and are having them start to pull this shit we are seeing now. Overturning abortion: Low wage earners are now going to be forced to have these children they can't afford. It's the rich people's way to keep people being born and to fill these low wage jobs to keep the system going. It'll be a cold day in hell before they allow the system to change or they stop making massive amounts of money. Am I crazy? I feel like a conspiracy theorist but it all makes…

So I was pondering everything in my car the other day and a few things came to me.

The birth rate in the US has decreased so much that we are now at a point where more people die than are being born to replace them.

What this means for us: The billionaires have now been in contact with members of congress and are having them start to pull this shit we are seeing now.

Overturning abortion: Low wage earners are now going to be forced to have these children they can't afford. It's the rich people's way to keep people being born and to fill these low wage jobs to keep the system going. It'll be a cold day in hell before they allow the system to change or they stop making massive amounts of money.

Am I crazy? I feel like a conspiracy theorist but it all makes sense why they are working so hard to overturn something that has been around for 50 years or so. I also think this is the first time in US history the birth rate had been in the decline.

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